Saturday, February 11, 2012

Winter's Lore

Today snow covers the ground. Not much, but just enough to emphasize the essence of the season.
And what is that essence? Think cold and blustery. Think dark. Think dreary. And depressing.
That is how I view winter. Truth be told, I hate this time of year. After the Christmas tree comes down right after New Year’s, I would just as soon go into hibernation until March, or even April. But alas, humans are not made that way. We must muddle through and conduct our lives the best we can – seasonal affective disorder or not.
Yet, as I ponder why we can’t just skip the first couple of months each year, I realize that maybe winter, too, has its purpose. Perhaps winter was meant to be a season of cleansing – cleansing the earth in preparation for all the imminent new growth that spring brings. For many of us, it’s a time to cleanse our souls, also. After all, Lent – a period of somber reflection – begins in the dead of winter and ends at Easter as spring burgeons.
Yet while “cleansing” may be necessary, it’s not always pleasant. Am I resigned to the fact that there isn’t anything at all pleasant about winter? This is where I need to adjust my attitude. What, what, what is so positive about winter? Think hard, I tell myself. Let me see…
Okay. I like the hearth and the roaring fires that my husband prepares during winter’s darkest depths. They definitely make for a cozy atmosphere. So chock that one up for winter.
And when there is snow, I like to watch the birds as they eat off the feeders hanging off the maple tree in the background. The cardinals, especially, provide a vivid contrast to the ground’s pure white. It makes me want to take a photo.
But this year’s winter has been unusually mild. So far, it’s been sprinkled with lots of overcast days, and a fair amount of rain. But no snow. Until last night. Just a covering, and not very pretty either. But I digress.
So what else? Well, there is the solitude of the season. It’s a slower time where we can all just kick back and relax a little. No sports, and no sports practices to get to. That means less hustle and bustle and more family time (and dinnertime meals at a reasonable hour). That’s definitely something I can appreciate.
So, maybe winter isn’t as bad as I make it out to be. Perhaps this time of year has its own attributes that I just take for granted. In fact, maybe if I sit and think a little longer, I could come up with a few more good things about this current season. Still, it’s not my favorite and probably never will be. I yearn for the sun to shine, for warmer days and mostly for the new beginnings symbolic of spring. It should only be a few more weeks. Then perhaps I can regain some zest and approach life at full thrust.
In the meantime, I think I’ll go sit by the fire.

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