Monday, January 2, 2017

Looking Ahead to 2017

My husband told me he doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions. Good enough. I’m not sure I do any more, either. But as we begin a new year, I find it a good time to reflect on the challenges down the road this coming year. Maybe it’s what I hope to do. But I hesitate to really call these things resolutions. So here are some things I hope to do (and yes, some may be harder than others):
  •        Pray for our country and the Trump presidency. I don’t normally delve into politics on my blog, but this is a big one. I must confess – he wasn’t my choice. In fact, I’m still scratching my head trying to make sense of it. While I won’t elaborate here, I don’t think much of him as a person. (Mind you, it’s not a Democrat versus Republican thing, it’s just stuff about him.) But I’m really hoping he can win me over. Having said this, I feel I must respect the democratic process that elected him to office. The fact of the matter is, people voted for him, and because of the way our electoral college system works, he was elected. So yes, he will be my president and I truly want him to succeed. His success (as I define it) will only benefit me and my loved ones. So I will pray for him, and put 2017 in God’s hands.
  •        Finish this weight loss thing. I began my latest weight management journey in August, and am feeling much better. So at least that’s one thing I don’t have to begin from scratch with the new year. So far, down 42 pounds (and for those wondering how, the New Direction very low calorie diet through the St. Elizabeth Physicians Weight Management Center). I still have about another 20 pounds to lose. And then, after that is when I’ll hit the more challenging part – keeping it off. I’ve done well at being focused on this, but admit that I haven’t lost quite as much during the holidays. But I guess I did good to maintain. As we hit the New Year, I have a renewed focus.
  •        Complete Clay’s quilt. I’ve made quilts for my sons Luke and Sam. Now it’s Clay’s turn. I started it a while back but I’m still early in the process. I’m hoping to turn it up a gear, as I’d like to have it done by the time he graduates college this summer.
  •        Stay strong. I mean this in a more emotional sense. Within the next few months we will most likely be transitioning Ed’s aunt to a higher level of long-term care. I think I’m procrastinating at beginning the process because the prospect of this breaks my heart.
  •        Look forward to new professional challenges. In March I will have been with St. Elizabeth Healthcare for three years. Considering the tenure of most employees there, this still makes me a rookie. But I’m so grateful to be a part of this organization and its mission. New challenges are in store for me in 2017, and I certainly hope I’m up for those challenges. This is but one thing that brings me to my next point.
  •        Overcome my fear of failure. How many people fail to try something out of fear they may fail? So many, I’m sure. I try to tell myself that the only real failure is to not try at all. And that occasional failure may be a means for becoming better and stronger. If we learn from our failures, are those not learning opportunities? I try to see it that way. Yet it’s hard when you so desperately want to be perfect the first time (or the second or third) and to please the people you serve.
  •        Blog more. I launched this blog several years ago during a challenging time in life – probably more as a coping mechanism than anything. Anything I post online is meant to be read. I wouldn’t post it if it wasn’t for anybody and everybody to read. But I guess the blog is more for me than anyone else. I would still write it even if nobody read it. Still, if anything in any of my posts has ever provided insight, or wisdom, or just touched your heart, that’s great too. I think I only wrote two blogs in all of 2016. Let’s see if I can double or triple that in 2017. Still, I don’t want to post something just for the sake of posting. But when I feel inspired to write, it seems the words just flow.
  •        Pray more. This goes without saying. I realize my relationship with God could always be stronger, and should go beyond church on Sunday and evening grace at the dinner table. I do try to live my life as God would want me – which includes following Christ’s example of love and tolerance for all.

OK, so that’s enough. That’s just a few things I’m facing as we enter 2017. I’m sure I’ll think of more. I guess my first challenge is to try to come down from the emotional high of the holidays and brace for the winter ahead. I would say let’s skip January and February and head straight to March, but then wouldn’t I be wishing my life away? Besides, something really awesome could happen between now and then. I just might not know what it is.

No, I won’t wish my life away. Nor will I become overwhelmed by these various to-do’s. And besides, one thing age has taught me is to not get so freaked out, even if I have an ambitious agenda.

So maybe I do have just a couple of resolutions for 2017.

I’ll take life one day at a time.

I’ll remember to stop and breathe.

And most of all, I’ll have the faith to put it all in God’s hands.