Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Fry Baby

So it seems my 16-year-old son Luke is an aspiring fry cook. Quite by surprise a few weeks ago he announced that he had been hired to work in the kitchen at a nearby restaurant. Why in the world his $10 a week allowance didn't seem to be enough I don't know. But hey, he's grown into a young man, and I figured it wouldn't hurt him to learn what it's like to have the responsibility of a job.

I myself had such a job when I was his age -- working all the stations at my local Burger Chef preparing sandwiches, tending to the salad bar, assuming cashier duties on the front line, and of course the incessant sweeping, wiping down the tables, emptying out the trash and other general cleaning duties (including washing a dish or two).

However, after just a few weeks, I'm thinking I'm not so crazy about his work arrangement.
My son: master fryer and king of the sampler platter.
Not that I'm not proud of him. He's undoubtedly a hard worker. And when he comes home each night wreaking of grease, I simply hold my nose and overlook the stench (and of course encourage him to get into the shower as soon as he can).

I think it's' just that I miss him being around . I guess I enjoy his presence more than he knows -- even if we're not necessarily saying anything to each other but merely co-existing in the same space.

Since my middle son was just a baby, he has always been he one with the calming presence. I remember so vividly the times when he was a baby when I might get upset or frazzled. All it would take to soothe me was to pick him up and hold him for just a few minutes.

Even now, in the midst of what are sometimes chaotic situations, Luke brings a certain equilibrium to the household. When everything else around me is going crazy, Luke's demeanor helps to settle things down a bit.

So now his restaurant job is taking him away from me. But even more, I fear that it could get in the way of other things I deem more important in his life -- namely school and his extracurricular activities. I figure he has his whole life to work. Though I'm sure going back to a $10 a week allowance won't be easy.

Still, I'm confident that once school starts, he will set his priorities accordingly. He does have a pretty good head on his shoulders, so I trust him to do that. Plus I really don't want to see him blow his 4.0 GPA because he's out late every night frying up chicken wings and cheese sticks (and let's not forget the fried pickles either).

Not that this hasn't been a good experience for him. I'm glad he's learning what it's like to work hard. But honestly, I'm ready for my Fry Baby to come home and join his family at the dinner table every night for slightly healthier fare.

So to my son I offer this assurance. When the day comes that you get totally sick of the burgers and wings and fries, your mother will be here for you.

I'll always have broccoli waiting for you at home.